Investor Relations

The Affin Bank Group is a financial services conglomerate. The Group's activities focus on commercial, Islamic and investment banking services, money broking and underwriting of life and general insurance business.

Date Type Remarks
Historical Events
23 Aug 2024 2nd Quarter Results
21 May 2024 1st Quarter Results
10 May 2024 Ex-Dividend Final Dividend MYR 0.0576
Record Date: 13 May 2024
Payable Date: 12 Jun 2024
25 Apr 2024 AGM 10:00 am at Taming Sari Grand Ballroom, The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur, 5 Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, and via TIIH Online website at
29 Feb 2024 4th Quarter Results
17 Nov 2023 3rd Quarter Results
25 Aug 2023 2nd Quarter Results
09 Jun 2023 Ex-Dividend Final Dividend MYR 0.0777
Record Date: 12 Jun 2023
Payable Date: 11 Jul 2023
26 May 2023 1st Quarter Results
25 May 2023 AGM 10:00 am broadcasting from Level 26, Menara Affin Lingkaran TRX, Tun Razak Exchange, 55188 Kuala Lumpur.


  1. Dates with early, mid or late descriptions are based on the dates from the previous year's results. These are not indicative of future result announcements dates.